How long should you leave a gap after a caesarian if you want a VBAC?

As per gynecologist, at least 18 months is the safe time for the mother’s body to recover from the postpartum body losses. Vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC) is not offered in our practice. There is a 1% risk that when a mother is in labor with a C-section scar on the uterus, the scar could open up and expel the baby and the placenta into the mother’s abdomen. This is called a uterine rupture and is a catastrophic emergency which can result in the death or permanent disability of the baby, (first stage of labor) as well as serious complications for the mother including severe blood loss and hysterectomy. As mothers ourselves we believe that a 1% risk is too high when it comes to a baby’s safety. After all, we go to enormous lengths to prevent much rarer events such as injury in a car accident (using car seats) or exposure to life-threatening illnesses (getting vaccinations), for example.

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